Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023)
The International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), collaboratively published twice a year by the Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS) in Japan and the Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM) in Korea, stands as the premier academic journal in the field of media and technology studies in education and training.
IJEMT welcomes original papers, including revised full papers based on presentations at concurrent sessions during the International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) or the Teaching Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC).
This volume includes original papers and revised versions of papers presented at the ICoME 2022. Within these pages, two peer-reviewed papers delve into contemporary trends, perspectives, and developments in the use of media and technology across a wide range of educational and training settings.
We hope that all of these papers will offer valuable insights for further research in the field of educational media and technology studies and help expand academic networks among the members of JAEMS, KAEIM, and other associations. We are grateful to our reviewers for their time and helpful comments.
Shinichi Sato, Nihon Fukushi University, Japan
Seak-Zoon Roh, Sungshin Women’s University, Korea
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 16 No. 2 (2022)
This Winter issue of the 16th volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), is a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, refereed papers presented at the 2022 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) and at the concurrent sessions of the 2022 International Journal for Media in Education (ICoME), were revised and submitted for IJEMT. Additionally an open call for papers resulted in additional submissions for this issue. Representatives from the TCC and IJEMT editorial boards, composed of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology, reviewed the papers using a double-blind process. We present 8 papers that reflect trends in online teaching and learning, learning management, social and educational media and emerging technologies.
We hope these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Innwoo Park and Shinichi Sato), Managing Editor (Masayuki Murakami), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022)
Editor’s Note
The International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), collaboratively published twice a year by the JAEMS (Japan Association for Educational Media Studies) in Japan and the KAEIM (Korean Association for Educational Information and Media) in Korea, is the premier academic journal in the field of media and technology studies in education and training.
IJEMT accepts original papers, including full papers based on papers presented at the concurrent session at the International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) or the Teaching Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC).
This volume includes original papers and revised versions of papers presented at the ICoME 2021. Five refereed papers discuss contemporary trends, perspectives and developments in the use of media and technology in a wide range of educational and training settings.
We hope all these papers offer valuable insights for further research in the field of educational media and technology studies and expand academic networks among the members of JAEMS, KAEIM and other associations. We are grateful to our reviewers for their time and useful comments.
Seak-Zoon Roh, Sungshin Women’s University, Korea
Shinichi Sato, Nihon Fukushi University, Japan
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021)
Guest Editor’s Note
This Winter issue of the 13th volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), is a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, refereed papers presented at the 2021 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) were revised and submitted for IJEMT. Additionally an open call for papers resulted in additional submissions for this issue. Representatives from the TCC and IJEMT editorial boards, composed of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology, reviewed the papers using a double-blind process. We present 11 papers that reflect trends in online teaching and learning, learning management, social and educational media and emerging technologies.
We hope these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Innwoo Park and Shinichi Sato), Managing Editor (Masayuki Murakami), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021)
Editor’s Note
The International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), collaboratively published twice a year by the JAEMS (Japan Association for Educational Media Studies) in Japan and the KAEIM (Korean Association for Educational Information and Media) in Korea, is the premier academic journal in the field of media and technology studies in education and training.
IJEMT accept original papers, including full papers based on papers presented at the concurrent session at the International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) or the Teaching Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC).
This volume includes original papers and revised versions of papers, including one keynote paper, presented at the ICoME 2020 which was held online. One keynote and eleven refereed papers discuss contemporary trends, perspectives and developments in the use of media and technology in a wide range of educational and training settings.
We hope all these papers offer valuable insights for further research in the field of educational media and technology studies and expand academic networks among the members of JAEMS, KAEIM and other associations. We are grateful to our reviewers for their time and useful comments.
Shinichi Sato, Nihon Fukushi University, Japan
Innwoo Park, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020)
Guest Editor’s Note
This Winter issue of the twelfth volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), is a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, refereed papers presented at the 2020 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) and invited papers were revised and submitted for IJEMT. A TCC editorial board, comprised of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology, reviewed the papers using a double-blind process. We present four papers that reflect trends in online teaching and learning, learning analytics, educational gaming, social media and emerging technologies.
We hope these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Innwoo Park and Shinichi Sato), Managing Editor (Masayuki Murakami), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020)
Editor’s Note
The International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), collaboratively published twice a year by the JAEMS (Japan Association for Educational Media Studies) in Japan and the KAEIM (Korean Association for Educational Information and Media) in Korea, is the premier academic journal in the field of media and technology studies in education and training.
IJEMT used to invite to develop full papers based on papers presented at the concurrent session at the International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) or the Teaching Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC). However, original papers not presented at ICoME or TCC are also accepted from this volume 14 (No. 1).
This volume includes an original paper and revised versions of papers presented at the ICoME 2019 which was held in Guangdong, China. Six refereed papers discuss contemporary trends, perspectives and developments in the use of media and technology in a wide range of educational and training settings. We hope all these papers offer valuable insights for further research in the field of educational media and technology studies and expand academic networks among the members of JAEMS, KAEIM and other associations.
We are grateful to our reviewers for their time and useful comments.
Innwoo Park, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Shinichi Sato, Nihon Fukushi University, Japan
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019)
Guest Editor’s Note
This Winter issue of the eleventh volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), is a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, selected refereed papers presented at the 2019 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) and invited papers were revised and submitted for IJEMT. A TCC editorial board, comprised of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology, reviewed the papers using a double-blind process. We present five papers that reflect trends in online teaching and learning, learning analytics, educational gaming, social media and emerging technologies.
We hope these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Innwoo Park and Shinichi Sato), Managing Editor (Masayuki Murakami), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019)
Editor’s Note
The International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), collaboratively published twice a year by the JAEMS (Japan Association for Educational Media Studies) in Japan and the KAEIM (Korean Association for Educational Information and Media) in Korea, is the premier academic journal in the field of media and technology studies in education and training.
IJEMT used to invite to develop full papers based on papers presented at the concurrent session at the International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) or the Teaching Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC). However, original papers not presented at ICoME or TCC are also accepted from this volume 13 (No. 1).
This volume includes an original paper and revised versions of papers presented at the ICoME 2019 which was held in Chungbuk, Korea. Twelve refereed papers discuss contemporary trends, perspectives and developments in the use of media and technology in a wide range of educational and training settings.
We hope all these papers offer valuable insights for further research in the field of educational media and technology studies and expand academic networks among the members of JAEMS, KAEIM and other associations. We are grateful to our reviewers for their time and useful comments.
Shinichi Sato, Nihon Fukushi University, Japan
Innwoo Park, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018)
Guest Editor’s Note
This Winter issue of the eleventh volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), is a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, selected refereed papers presented at the 2018 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) and invited papers were revised and submitted for IJEMT. A TCC editorial board, comprised of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology, reviewed the papers using a double-blind process. We present eight refereed papers that reflect trends in online teaching and learning, learning analytics, educational gaming, social media and emerging technologies.
We hope these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Insung Jung and Inwoo Park), Managing Editor (Shinichi Sato), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018)
Editor’s Note
The International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, collaboratively published twice a year by the JAEMS (Japan Association for Educational Media Studies) in Japan and the KAEIM (Korean Association for Educational Information and Media) in Korea, is the premier academic journal in the field of media and technology studies in education and training.
This volume 12 (No. 1) includes a revised version of papers presented at the International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) 2017 which was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Six refereed papers discuss contemporary trends, perspectives and developments in the use of media and technology in a wide range of educational and training settings.
We hope all these papers offer valuable insights for further research in the field of educational media and technology studies and expand academic networks among the members of JAEMS, KAEIM and other associations. We are grateful to our reviewers for their time and useful comments.
Innwoo Park, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Insung Jung, International Christian University, Japan
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2017)
Guest Editor’s Note
This Winter issue of the eleventh volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), is a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and
other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, selected refereed papers presented at the 2017 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) were revised and submitted for IJEMT. A TCC editorial board, comprised of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology, reviewed
the papers using a double-blind process. We present five refereed papers that reflect trends in online teaching and learning, flipped learning, social media collaboration and emerging technologies.
We hope these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Insung Jung and Seungyeon Han), Managing Editor (Shinichi Sato), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2017)
Editor’s Note
The International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, collaboratively published twice a year by the JAEMS (Japan Association for Educational Media Studies) in Japan and the KAEIM (Korean Association for Educational Information and Media) in Korea, is the premier academic journal in the field of media and technology studies in education and training.
This volume 11 (No. 1) includes a revised version of papers presented at the International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) 2016 which was held in Kyoto, Japan. Fourteen refereed papers discuss contemporary trends, perspectives and developments in the use of media and technology in a wide range of educational and training settings. In addition, five non-refereed papers presented the round table sessions of the ICoME 2016 report some exciting cases and research projects.
We hope all these papers offer valuable insights for further research in the field of educational media and technology studies and expand academic networks among the members of JAEMS, KAEIM and other associations. We are grateful to our reviewers for their time and useful comments.
Insung Jung, International Christian University, Japan
Seungyeon Han, Hanyang Cyber University, Republic of Korea
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2016)
Editor’s Note
This is the inaugural Winter issue of the tenth volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, selected refereed papers presented at the 2015 and 2016 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) were revised and submitted for IJEMT. A TCC editorial board, comprised of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology, reviewed the papers using a double-blind process. We present eight refereed papers that reflect trends in online learning, mobile learning, networking, collaboration and emerging technologies.
We hope all these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Insung Jung and Seungyeon Han), Managing Editor (Shinichi Sato), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2016)
Editor’s Note
This is the inaugural Winter issue of the tenth volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology (IJEMT), a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS), Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM), and other organizations from China and the USA.
For this issue, selected refereed papers presented at the 2015 and 2016 Teaching, Colleges and Community Worldwide Online Conference (TCC) were revised and submitted for IJEMT. A TCC editorial board, comprised of international faculty in the field of ICT, eLearning and educational technology,
reviewed the papers using a double-blind process. We present eight refereed papers that reflect trends in online learning, mobile learning, networking, collaboration and emerging technologies.
We hope all these papers will add to the body of knowledge established by previous issues of IJEMT and will extend dialogue amongst researchers in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the editors and organizers of IJEMT to publish this Winter issue. We would like to especially thank IJEMT’s Co-Editors-in-Chief (Insung Jung and Seungyeon Han), Managing Editor (Shinichi Sato), Founding Editor (Katsuaki Suzuki) and other editorial board members who have assisted us along the way.
Curtis P. Ho, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Bert Kimura, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Guest Editors for Winter Issue, IJEMT
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2015)
Editor’s Note
This is the ninth volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS) and Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM).
This volume encloses a revised version of papers presented at the ICoME 2014 which was held in Seoul, Korea. In this volume, we have an invited paper prepared by Professor Zoraini Wati Abas, who was the keynote speaker at the ICoME 2014. There are seven refereed papers that reflect recent trends, perspectives and developments in educational media and technology in various settings. This particular volume contains four non-refereed papers that received awards as best papers from the Round Table during the ICoME 2014.
We hope all these papers engage our readers to continue research and expand our dialogue as we explore issues in the area of educational media and technology.
We are grateful to all of our editors for their willingness to review the papers, and offer valuable comments. We also thank Professor Kosuke Terashima for his efforts for this high quality journal.
Insung Jung, International Christian University, Japan
Mi-Lee Ahn, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2014)
Editor’s Note
This is the eighth volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, a collaborative work among scholars of Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM) and Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS).
This particular volume contains a revised version of papers presented at the ICoME 2013 which was held in Nagoya, Japan. Unlike the previous years, this year, Calls for Paper were sent out to all the presenters of ICoME 2013. Submitted papers were then reviewed by three editors from Japan, Korea and a third country. In the end, three revised papers were accepted for publication, and a keynote paper prepared by Professor Kanji Akahori was invited. All these papers reflect current trends in the use of educational media and technology at various levels and sectors of education and training including K-12, higher education, and teacher training.
As Co-Editors-in-Chief of this Journal, we’d like to express our sincere thanks to all of the editors who dedicated themselves to very thorough paper reviews and thus contributed to high quality journal publication.
Mi-Lee Ahn, Hanyang University, S. Korea
Insung Jung, International Christian University, Japan
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2013)
Editors’ Note
This is the seventh issue of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS) and Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM). As close friends, JAEMS and KEAIM decided to have an annual international conference titled International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) and jointly publish an international journal in 2003 in Seoul, Korea. Since then, ICoME has been held annually in Japan and Korea alternately (In Osaka, Japan in 2004 and 2008; in Pusan, Korea in 2005 and 2007; in Tokyo, in Japan in 2006; back in Seoul, Korea in 2009 and 2011; and in Kumamoto, Japan in 2010). As a result of each of these ICoME, a volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology has been published each year.
In 2012, ICoME was held in Beijing, China. This particular volume contains a revised version of concurrent session papers presented at the ICoME 2012. Calls for Paper were sent out to the authors of 13 papers that were recommended by multiple editors. Submitted papers were then reviewed by three editors from Japan, Korea and a third country. In the end, five revised papers were accepted for publication. We are honored to have an invited paper from one of the distinguished keynote speakers of the ICoME 2012: Professor Ronghuai Huang. As Co-Editors-in-Chief of this Journal, we’d like to express our sincere thanks to all of the editors who dedicated themselves to very thorough paper reviews and thus contributed to high quality journal publication.
Insung Jung
Li Chen
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012)
Editors’ Note
This is the sixth volume of the IJEMT published under a collaborative effort between KAEIM and JAMES. We have invited two new editors from China for this volume. We expect this invitation might contribute effectively toward the IJEMT community’s broader international readership.
This volume contains 12 articles finally selected through a highly selective review process among the papers originally presented at the concurrent sessions at ICoME 2011, Seoul, Korea. Call for paper has been sent to only the authors who had been recommended by multiple editorial board members.
The articles in the current issue reflect some steady research trends in recent years successfully by dealing with such topics as learning strategies and styles, self-directed learning, e-learning, mobile learning, international collaboration, and higher education. And the issue of emotional factors in e-learning has been introduced for the first time, which is still fresh in the IJEMT community.
As editors-in-chief, before anything else, we would like to thank all of the editors for their contribution on making the IJEMT of excellent quality.
Insook Lee
Katsuaki Suzuki
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2011)
Editors’ Note
This is the fifth issue of International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, as a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS) and Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM). As a pair of close friends, JAEMS and KEAIM started official exchanges of having annual international conferences, International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) in 2003 in Seoul. It was during our meetings that an idea of jointly publishing an international journal was proposed and the decision was made to do so. ICoME was continued in Osaka in 2004 and 2008, in Pusan in 2005 and 2007, and in Tokyo in 2006, back in Seoul in 2009, and in Kumamoto in 2010.
This volume contains a revised version of concurrent session papers at ICoME 2010, which were recommended by multiple members of the board of editors. Calls for Paper were announced for the authors of recommended papers, by invitations only, and thirteen of 17 recommended papers were submitted for this volume. Three editors, including one from the third country, reviewed each of the submissions, and further revised versions of the papers were accepted for this publication. We are honored to have two invited papers in this issue from the distinguished invited speakers of ICoME 2010: Professors Chen Li and John Keller. As Co-Editors-in-Chief of this Journal, we thank all of the editors who dedicated themselves in recommendation and reviewing process in making this issue of high quality by their insightful suggestions.
Insook Lee
Katsuaki Suzuki
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2010)
Editors’ Note
It is a pleasure to publish the fourth volume of IJEMT with a collaborative effort between KAEIM and JAMES. The current volume is comprised of one collaborative research between both Japan and Korea, four by Japanese research teams, and five from Koreans.
The articles in the current issue reflect main trends in the recent years successfully by dealing with such topics as creativity, problem solving, e-learning, blended learning, higher education, learner-centered, constructive learning environment, and game based learning. As co-editors-in-chief of IJEMT, we are highly pleased with well conducted research submitted for the year of 2010 issue. We would like to have more articles in collaboration with Japanese and Korean researchers in the future volume of IJEMT.
Insook Lee
Katsuaki Suzuki
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2009)
Editors’ Note
This is the third issue of International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, as a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS) and Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM). As a pair of close friends, JAEMS and KEAIM started official exchanges of having annual international conferences, International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) in 2003 in Seoul. ICoME was continued in Osaka in 2004 and in 2008, in Pusan in 2005 and 2007, and in Tokyo in 2006. It was during our meetings that an idea of jointly publishing an international journal was proposed and the decision was made to do so.
This volume contains a revised version of concurrent session papers at ICoME 2008, which were recommended by multiple members of the board of editors. Calls for Paper were announced for the authors of recommended papers, by invitations only, and six of 13 recommended papers, out of 51 concurrent session papers, were submitted for this volume. Three editors, including one from the third country, reviewed each of the submissions, and further revised versions of the papers were accepted for this publication. Thanks to all the effort by our editorial board members, this third issue of the international journal was born with peer reviewed excellent pieces of scholarly works. In this issue, for the first time, we are honored to have two invited papers submitted from two distinguished scholars, who were invited to give keynote presentations at ICoME 2008. As Co-Editors-in-Chief of this Journal, we thank all the contributors to the journal to enable us to continue our effort to the third year.
Insook Lee
Katsuaki Suzuk
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2008)
Editors’ Note
It is a pleasure to publish the second volume of IJEMT with a collaborative effort between KAEIM and JAMES. IJEMT has produced its first issue under the co-editorial team between JAEMES and KAEIM in 2007. We are fortunate to have stable numbers of submissions from ICoME (International Conference for Media in Education) each year.
Educational media and technology is experiencing continuous changes today due to the influence of new technology and changes in society in general. Technology and society play key roles in shaping education in many senses: There are increasing needs for more collaborative, more learner-centered, more flexible, and more on-demand learning and education. Eventually, those needs demand both macro and micro changes in education. The articles in the current issue reflect these needs and trends successfully by dealing with such topics as augmented reality, mobile learning, blended learning, affective communication, quality in distance education, instructional reform, or collaborative learning.
As co-editors-in-chief of IJEMT, we aim to provide rich resources on theory and practice in educational media and technology. We are extremely pleased with abundant evidences of enthusiasm for trying meaningful new ideas in manuscripts submitted for the year of 2008 issue. We anticipate an exiting future of IJEMT.
Insook Lee
Katsuaki Suzuki
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007)
Editors’ Note
This is the first issue of International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, as a collaborative work among scholars of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS) and Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM). As a pair of close friends, JAEMS and KEAIM started official exchanges of having annual international conferences, International Conference for Media in Education (ICoME) in 2003 in Seoul. ICoME was continued in Osaka in 2004, in Pusan in 2005, and in Tokyo in 2006. It was during our meetings that an idea of jointly publishing an international journal was proposed and the decision was made to do so.
This volume contains a revised version of concurrent session papers at ICoME 2006, which were recommended by multiple members of the board of editors. Calls for Paper were announced for the authors of recommended papers, by invitations only, and eight of 14 recommended papers were submitted for this volume. Three editors, including one from the third country, reviewed each of the submissions, and further revised versions of the papers were accepted for this publication. Thus comes a birth of an international journal with peer reviewed excellent pieces of scholarly works. As Co-Editors-in-Chief of this Journal, we thank all of the editors who dedicated themselves in recommendation and reviewing process in making the first issue of high quality by their insightful suggestions.
Insook Lee
Katsuaki Suzuki