Editor’s Note
This is the eighth volume of the International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, a collaborative work among scholars of Korean Association for Educational Information and Media (KAEIM) and Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS).
This particular volume contains a revised version of papers presented at the ICoME 2013 which was held in Nagoya, Japan. Unlike the previous years, this year, Calls for Paper were sent out to all the presenters of ICoME 2013. Submitted papers were then reviewed by three editors from Japan, Korea and a third country. In the end, three revised papers were accepted for publication, and a keynote paper prepared by Professor Kanji Akahori was invited. All these papers reflect current trends in the use of educational media and technology at various levels and sectors of education and training including K-12, higher education, and teacher training.
As Co-Editors-in-Chief of this Journal, we’d like to express our sincere thanks to all of the editors who dedicated themselves to very thorough paper reviews and thus contributed to high quality journal publication.
Mi-Lee Ahn, Hanyang University, S. Korea
Insung Jung, International Christian University, Japan
Editors-in-Chief, IJEMT
Published: 2014-12-30